Internet Connectivity - Installation - Lab 1

DIRECTIONS: Follow the steps below. Instructor signoff: ______________________

Equipment required:

Local ISP __________________ Account name _________________
ISP modem bank phone number


Account password ______________

1. Install the modem in the PC.

2. Verify communications between the modem and the computer by using the AT command set or the test function in control panel.

3. Create a dial-up connection profile for the internet account from the local ISP.

4. Make a connection to the local ISP.

5. Verify that you are able to ping from a DOS box.

6. Verify that you are able to ping from a DOS box.

7. Using a browser, browse  What web site comes up?

8. Set up Outlook Express to use the email account included with the internet account from the local ISP.  Verify to your instructor that you can both send and receive email through this account.